Teror de Gran Canaria
Teror is een kleine maar zeer mooie gemeente op het vakantie eiland Gran Canaria. Het situeert zich in het binnenland in het noorden van Gran Canaria. Landbouw, veehouderij en toerisme zorgen voor de inkomsten. Steile hellingen en diepe dalen sieren de ligging van Teror. Teror heeft zeer veel architectuur en is bekend bij pelgrims over de hele wereld. Tijdens de zomermaanden kan de temperatuur hoog oplopen, daarentegen tijdens de winter kan de temperatuur sterk dalen. Het is als oudste dorp zeker uw bezoek waardig.
Geschiedenis van Teror
[showad block=39]De geschiedenis vertelt dat de de Heilige Maria zou verschenen zijn op een pijnboom in het centrum van de gemeente Teror. Vandaar de naam Nuestra Señora del Pino ( Onze Lieve Vrouw van de Pijnboom ).Mede daarom hebben de inwoners een kapel gebouwd ter ere van Maria, die later werd vervangen door een kerk. Die kerk is helaas door een brand volledig vernield geweest.
Vanzelfsprekend kan zo een prachtige gemeente niet zonder een kerk. Er werd dan ter vervanging een neoclassicistische basiliek gebouwd in 1767. Het Heilige Maagd Maria beeld uit 1481, word ieder jaar tijdens de maand september bezocht door duizenden bedevaarders en toeristen tijdens de Fiesta de la Virgen del Pino.
De basiliek heeft intussen al verschillende renovaties ondergaan zodat dit prachtige gebouw kan blijven bestaan. De basiliek heeft mooie gebrandschilderde ramen.
De binnenstad van Teror
Uiteraard word Teror niet enkel bezocht door toeristen en bedevaarders voor de Virgen del Pino, De Plaza del Teror is het plein en het hart van de gemeente.
Het eerste wat me opvalt zijn de authentieke prachtige houten balkons aan de huizen van Teror. Deze balkons zijn kenmerkend voor hun architectuur. Vanop het plein heb je toegang naar de basiliek en het toeristische centrum. Een eeuwenoude laurierboom geeft dat tikkeltje extra aan het plein.
Flaneren langs een wandelboulevard ( Alameda ), wie is daar niet voor te vinden. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat u heerlijk zal genieten van een wandeling door het historische centrum van Teror. Duizenden nieuwsgierige toeristen als u en ik, bezoeken jaarlijks deze boulevard met het episcopaal paleis uit 1793.
Shoppen en gastronomie in het oude Teror
Kleurrijke huizen met houten of ijzeren balkons begeleiden u langzaam langs de talrijke winkeltjes in de Calle Real de la Plaza. Teror bezoek je niet enkel voor zijn geschiedenis en authenticiteit, maar ook om te genieten. Haast en stress laat je hier best thuis.
Om van al dat moois te genieten van de authentieke canarische sfeer, kan je plaatsnemen op het terras van een plaatselijke bar. Bij een verfrissende drank aangevuld met lekkere tapas geniet je ééns zo hard van deze rustige omgeving.
Gastronomie en gastvrijheid zijn sterke punten van Teror. Wekelijks is er een openbare markt op zondag. Verse groenten en fruit uit het canarische binnenland ( streekproducten ), taarten en gebak, kleding en kunstartikelen, je vind het allemaal op de gezellige traditionele markt. De markt heeft plaats van 08.00 uur s’morgens tot 15.00 uur in de namiddag.
Proeven van de traditionele canarische en plaatselijke keuken moet je zeker doen in Teror. Specialiteiten zoals een stoofpot met kikkererwten ( ropa vieja ), of lekker gemarineerd vlees staan hoog op de menukaart.
Enkele specialiteiten van Teror zelf zijn chorizo en morcilla dulce. Dit zijn bloedworsten en knoflookworsten, zeer lekker tevens bij brood. Misschien kan u ook proeven van een zoete specialiteit gemaakt door de nonnen van de Cisterciënzerorde, ‘Las Monjas del Cister‘. Als wijnliefhebber en streekproducten kan ik u aanbevelen om binnen te stappen in de wijnwinkel Manjares Isleños.
De kunstnijverheid in Teror is net als deze van Arucas zeer gekend. Rieten manden, houtsnijwerk en nog veel meer ambachtelijke producten kan je vinden en aankopen in de plaatselijke ateliers en winkels in het oude centrum.
Religieuze bezienswaardigheden van Teror
Een ander gekend plein in Teror is het Plaza Teresa de Bolivar, waar een beeld van een vrijheidsstrijder een uniek karakter geeft. Misschien ook een bezoek waard is het klooster van de Cisterciënzerorde ( Monasterio del Cister ).
Als je een liefhebber bent van religieuze gebouwen dan heeft Teror buiten de gekende basiliek nog veel meer te bieden voor u.
Enkele voorbeelden zijn de kerk Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, de kapel de La Peña, de kapel van San Isidro en het Dominicanenklooster aan de voet van de Pico de Osorio.
Feesten en bedevaarten in Teror
Net zoals in andere steden, gemeenten en dorpen van Gran Canaria, heeft ook Teror zijn feesten. Nuestra Señora del Pino is het belangrijkste feest van Teror. Noteer alvast 8 september in je agenda voor dit feest. Het feest word bezocht door massaal veel toeristen en inwoners van het eiland. Dag en nacht gaan de feestelijkheden door.
Is het een zeer warme dag op Gran Canaria, plan dan een uitstap op de laatste zondag van juli. Tijdens het feest Fiesta del Agua word er massaal met water gegooid. Volledig droog zal je zeker niet blijven. Een vraag naar voldoende regen, voedsel en gespaar blijven van ziektes is waarom het feest is ontstaan. Een processie en veemarkt geeft een extra sfeer.
Ambachten, kunstnijverheid, een veemarkt en oude tradities staan centraal op het Feest van San José. Plaats van afspraak is de eerste zondag van de maand mei.
Bronwater in het hart van Teror
Hier eindigt het verhaal nog steeds niet, als je naar Teror op bezoek komt dan kan je best een ganse dag voorzien. Heb je al is gehoord van de “Bittere Bron“. Ik denk het niet, maar dat is de naam van de Fuente Agria.
Het is een zeer bijzondere plek in Teror omdat deze natuurlijke bron buiten het toerisme zorgt voor belangrijke inkomsten voor de gemeente. De Fuente Agria bestaat uit drie andere bronnen, de Principal, de Agua Agria en de Molino bron.
Openbaar park Doramas met Finca de Osorio
Sta mij toe u mee te nemen op excursie door een adembenemend natuurgebied rond Teror. Eén van de belangrijkste parken en bosgebieden van Teror is het Parque Rural de Doramas. Ver moeten we niet wandelen want het park situeert zich slechts 2 km van het historische centrum van Teror.
Met een oppervlakte van 207 hectare is het er heerlijk om te wandelen door valleien, langs afgronden en landbouwgebied. U zal onderweg kennismaken met eeuwenoude laurierbossen en kastanjebomen in overvloed.
Bomen en planten zoals eik en kurk uit Europa en Zuid Amerika maken het park tot een mooi geheel. De Finca de Osorio is gebouwd in traditionele canarische stijl met de gekende houten balkons, en hier en daar een tikkeltje Engelse koloniale stijl. Als u een romantische ziel bent, dan is de bijhorende tuin zeker uw bezoek waard met de afgelegen romantische hoekjes en fonteinen.
Enkele boeren wonen nog steeds met hun in het park, zo zal u het typische zwarte canarische varken kunnen zien. In de Finca worden vandaag ook nog steeds educatieve lessen gegeven voor natuurbehoud. Overnachting is voor groepen mogelijk na afspraak.
Van maandag tot zondag is het domein geopend. Er zijn rondleidingen mogelijk na afspraak op telefoonnummer +34 928 630.090. De openingsuren zijn van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur.
Hoe bereik ik Teror ?
Het centrum van Teror is deels verkeersvrij, en heeft dan ook niet veel parkeerplaatsen. Aan de rand van het centrum bevind er zich een parkeergarage vanwaar u op wandelafstand van het centrum bent.
Met de auto kan je Teror bereiken langs verschillende wegen. Volgens mij één van de mooiste is langs de GC-21, de Carretera de Teror. Vanaf Las Palmas is het dan ongeveer 45 minuten rijden langs een zeer mooie omgeving. Andere aanbevolen routes zijn richting Arucas, de GC-43 die een deel langs de kust loopt. Vind u het binnenland mooier, rijd dan via de GC-2 via San Mateo.
Wil je in alle rust genieten van de rit naar Teror, dan kan ik u zeker aanbevelen om het openbaar vervoer te nemen. De busdiensten van Global brengen u graag naar het centrum van Teror met bus nr 216.
Wanneer u een daguitstap maakt naar Teror, dan kan u zich verder informeren op het Bureau voor Toerisme dat zich in het centrum bevind in de C/ Padre Cueto, 2 ( Casa Consistorial ) of op de website.
Teror de Gran Canaria
Terror is a small but very beautiful town on the holiday island of Gran Canaria. It is situated in the interior in the north of Gran Canaria. Agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism take care of for income. Steep slopes and deep valleys adorn the location of Teror. Terror has many architecture and is known by pilgrims all over the world. During the summer the temperature can rise high, on the other hand during the winter temperatures can plummet. It is as the oldest village certainly worthy of your visit.
History of Teror
[showad block=773]History tells us that the Virgin Mary would have appeared on a pine tree in the center of the municipality of Teror. Hence the name Nuestra Señora del Pino ( Our Lady of the Pine ). Partly because the inhabitants have built a chapel in honor of Mary, who was later replaced by a church. That church was unfortunately completely destroyed by a fire.
[showad block=417]Obviously can such a beautiful town not live without a church. There was instead a neoclassical basilica built in 1767. The Virgin Mary statue from 1481, become each year during the month of September visited by thousands of pilgrims and tourists during the Fiesta de la Virgen del Pino. Meanwhile, the basilica has undergone several renovations so that this wonderful building can remain. The basilica has beautiful stained glass windows.
The inner city of Teror
Obviously become Teror not only popular among tourists and pilgrims for the Virgen del Pino, The Plaza del Teror is the square and the heart of the municipality. The first thing I notice are the authentic beautiful wooden balconies of the houses of Teror.
These balconies are characteristic of their architecture. From the square you have access to the Basilica and the tourist center. An ancient laurel tree gives that little extra to the square.
Strolling along a promenade (Alameda), who can not be found for them. I am confident that you will enjoy a stroll through the historic center of Teror. Thousands of curious tourists like you and I, annually visit this boulevard with the episcopal palace of 1793.
Shopping and gastronomy in the old Teror
Colorful houses with wooden or iron balconies guide you slowly along the numerous shops in the Calle Real de la Plaza. Teror you will visit not only for its history and authenticity, but also to enjoy. Hurry and stress leave your best here at home.
To enjoy for all that beauty to of the authentic Canarian atmosphere, you can sit on the terrace of a local bar. For a refreshing drink supplemented with tasty tapas you enjoy once so hard from this tranquil setting.
Gastronomy and hospitality are strengths of Teror. Every week there is a public market on Sunday. Fresh fruits and vegetables from the Canary domestic ( local products ), cakes and pastries, clothing and art items, you’ll find it all at the cozy traditional market. The market takes place from 08:00 am to 15:00 in the afternoon.
Taste the traditional Canarian and local cuisine you should definitely doing in Teror. Specialties such as a stew with chickpeas (ropa vieja), or delicious marinated meats are high on the menu. Some specialties of Teror itself are chorizo and morcilla dulce . These are blood sausages and garlic sausages, very tasty also with bread. Maybe you can also taste a sweet specialty made by the nuns of the Cistercian Order, “Las Monjas del Cister”. As a wine lover and local produce, I can recommend you to step into the wine shop Manjares Islenos.
The art industry in Teror is like this from Arucas very known. Wicker baskets, carvings and more crafts you can find and buy in local studios and shops in the old town.
Religious sights of Teror
Another known square in Teror is the Plaza Teresa de Bolivar, which gives a picture of a freedom fighter, a unique character.
Perhaps also worth visiting is the Monastery of the Cistercian Order ( Monasterio del Cister ) .
If you are a fan of religious buildings than Teror has known outside the basilica to offer much more for you.
Some examples are the Church Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the Chapel de la Peña, the Chapel of San Isidro and the Dominican Monastery at the foot of the Pico de Osorio.
Festivals and pilgrimages in Teror
Just like in other cities, towns and villages of Gran Canaria, also has Teror his celebrations. Nuestra Señora del Pino is the most important festival of Teror. Make a note in your diary for September 8 for this feast. The festival will massively visited by many tourists and residents of the island. Day and night the festivities going on.
Is it a very hot day in Gran Canaria, then plan a trip on the last Sunday of July. During the party Fiesta del Agua get thrown massively with water. Completely dry you will not stay. A demand for sufficient rain, food and gespaar remain illnesses is why the party was formed. A procession and cattle market gives an extra atmosphere.
Crafts, handicrafts, a cattle market and old traditions are central to the Feast of San José. Place of appointment is the first Sunday of May.
Spring water in the heart of Teror
Here the story ends still not, if you come to visit to Teror you can best provide a whole day. Have you heard of the “Bitter Source“. I think not, but that’s the name of the Fuente Agria.
It is a very special place in Teror because this natural source outside the tourism creates significant revenue for the municipality. The Fuente Agria has three other sources, the Principal, the Agua Agria and the Molino source.
Public park Doramas and Finca de Osorio
Allow me to take you on a tour through breathtaking nature around Teror. One of the major parks and forest areas of Teror is the Parque Rural de Doramas. We should not walk very far because the park is situated just 2 km from the historic center of Teror.
With an area of 207 hectares it is wonderful to walk through valleys, along precipices and agriculture. You will go learn ancient laurel forests and chestnut trees abound.
Trees and plants such as oak and cork from Europe and South America make the park a beautiful whole. The Finca de Osorio is built in traditional Canarian style with the famous wooden balconies, and here and there a touch of English colonial style. If you are a romantic soul, then the associated garden is definitely worth your visit to the secluded romantic corners and fountains.
Some farmers still live with their family in the park, so you will be able to see the typical Canarian black pig. In the Finca are still educational classes today given for conservation. Accommodation available for groups by appointment.
The domain is opened from Monday to Sunday. There are guided tours by appointment by phone +34 928 630 090. The hours are from 9:00 to 17:00.
How do I reach Teror?
The center of Teror is partly pedestrianized, and therefore has not much parking. At the edge of the center is located a parking garage from where you are at walking distance from the center.
By car you can reach Teror on various ways. I think one of the most beautiful along is the GC-21, Carretera de Teror. From Las Palmas is than about 45 minutes drive along a very nice setting. Other recommended routes are towards Arucas, the GC-43 which runs partly along the coast. You will find the interior better, then go through the GC-2 via San Mateo.
Want to enjoy the ride to Teror in peace, then I can certainly recommend to take the public transportation. The bus of the Global company is happy to put you into the center of Teror with bus No. 216.
When you make a day trip to Teror, then inform you with further information on the Bureau of Tourism that is be located at the center in the C / Padre Cueto, 2 ( Casa Consistorial ) or on the website.
Teror de Gran Canaria
Terror is a small but very beautiful town on the holiday island of Gran Canaria. It is situated in the interior in the north of Gran Canaria. Agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism take care of for income. Steep slopes and deep valleys adorn the location of Teror. Terror has many architecture and is known by pilgrims all over the world. During the summer the temperature can rise high, on the other hand during the winter temperatures can plummet. It is as the oldest village certainly worthy of your visit.
History of Teror
[showad block=39]History tells us that the Virgin Mary would have appeared on a pine tree in the center of the municipality of Teror. Hence the name Nuestra Señora del Pino ( Our Lady of the Pine ). Partly because the inhabitants have built a chapel in honor of Mary, who was later replaced by a church. That church was unfortunately completely destroyed by a fire.
Obviously can such a beautiful town not live without a church. There was instead a neoclassical basilica built in 1767. The Virgin Mary statue from 1481, become each year during the month of September visited by thousands of pilgrims and tourists during the Fiesta de la Virgen del Pino. Meanwhile, the basilica has undergone several renovations so that this wonderful building can remain. The basilica has beautiful stained glass windows.
The inner city of Teror
Obviously become Teror not only popular among tourists and pilgrims for the Virgen del Pino, The Plaza del Teror is the square and the heart of the municipality. The first thing I notice are the authentic beautiful wooden balconies of the houses of Teror.
These balconies are characteristic of their architecture. From the square you have access to the Basilica and the tourist center. An ancient laurel tree gives that little extra to the square.
Strolling along a promenade (Alameda), who can not be found for them. I am confident that you will enjoy a stroll through the historic center of Teror. Thousands of curious tourists like you and I, annually visit this boulevard with the episcopal palace of 1793.
Shopping and gastronomy in the old Teror
Colorful houses with wooden or iron balconies guide you slowly along the numerous shops in the Calle Real de la Plaza. Teror you will visit not only for its history and authenticity, but also to enjoy. Hurry and stress leave your best here at home.
To enjoy for all that beauty to of the authentic Canarian atmosphere, you can sit on the terrace of a local bar. For a refreshing drink supplemented with tasty tapas you enjoy once so hard from this tranquil setting.
Gastronomy and hospitality are strengths of Teror. Every week there is a public market on Sunday. Fresh fruits and vegetables from the Canary domestic ( local products ), cakes and pastries, clothing and art items, you’ll find it all at the cozy traditional market. The market takes place from 08:00 am to 15:00 in the afternoon.
Taste the traditional Canarian and local cuisine you should definitely doing in Teror. Specialties such as a stew with chickpeas (ropa vieja), or delicious marinated meats are high on the menu. Some specialties of Teror itself are chorizo and morcilla dulce . These are blood sausages and garlic sausages, very tasty also with bread. Maybe you can also taste a sweet specialty made by the nuns of the Cistercian Order, “Las Monjas del Cister”. As a wine lover and local produce, I can recommend you to step into the wine shop Manjares Islenos.
The art industry in Teror is like this from Arucas very known. Wicker baskets, carvings and more crafts you can find and buy in local studios and shops in the old town.
Religious sights of Teror
Another known square in Teror is the Plaza Teresa de Bolivar, which gives a picture of a freedom fighter, a unique character.
Perhaps also worth visiting is the Monastery of the Cistercian Order ( Monasterio del Cister ) .
If you are a fan of religious buildings than Teror has known outside the basilica to offer much more for you.
Some examples are the Church Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the Chapel de la Peña, the Chapel of San Isidro and the Dominican Monastery at the foot of the Pico de Osorio.
Festivals and pilgrimages in Teror
Just like in other cities, towns and villages of Gran Canaria, also has Teror his celebrations. Nuestra Señora del Pino is the most important festival of Teror. Make a note in your diary for September 8 for this feast. The festival will massively visited by many tourists and residents of the island. Day and night the festivities going on.
Is it a very hot day in Gran Canaria, then plan a trip on the last Sunday of July. During the party Fiesta del Agua get thrown massively with water. Completely dry you will not stay. A demand for sufficient rain, food and gespaar remain illnesses is why the party was formed. A procession and cattle market gives an extra atmosphere.
Crafts, handicrafts, a cattle market and old traditions are central to the Feast of San José. Place of appointment is the first Sunday of May.
Spring water in the heart of Teror
Here the story ends still not, if you come to visit to Teror you can best provide a whole day. Have you heard of the “Bitter Source“. I think not, but that’s the name of the Fuente Agria.
It is a very special place in Teror because this natural source outside the tourism creates significant revenue for the municipality. The Fuente Agria has three other sources, the Principal, the Agua Agria and the Molino source.
Public park Doramas and Finca de Osorio
Allow me to take you on a tour through breathtaking nature around Teror. One of the major parks and forest areas of Teror is the Parque Rural de Doramas. We should not walk very far because the park is situated just 2 km from the historic center of Teror.
With an area of 207 hectares it is wonderful to walk through valleys, along precipices and agriculture. You will go learn ancient laurel forests and chestnut trees abound.
Trees and plants such as oakand cork from Europe and South America make the park a beautiful whole. The Finca de Osorio is built in traditional Canarian style with the famous wooden balconies, and here and there a touch of English colonial style. If you are a romantic soul, then the associated garden is definitely worth your visit to the secluded romantic corners and fountains.
Some farmers still live with their family in the park, so you will be able to see the typical Canarian black pig. In the Finca are still educational classes today given for conservation. Accommodation available for groups by appointment.
The domain is opened from Monday to Sunday. There are guided tours by appointment by phone +34 928 630 090. The hours are from 9:00 to 17:00.
How do I reach Teror?
The center of Teror is partly pedestrianized, and therefore has not much parking. At the edge of the center is located a parking garage from where you are at walking distance from the center.
By car you can reach Teror on various ways. I think one of the most beautiful along is the GC-21, Carretera de Teror. From Las Palmas is than about 45 minutes drive along a very nice setting. Other recommended routes are towards Arucas, the GC-43 which runs partly along the coast. You will find the interior better, then go through the GC-2 via San Mateo.
Want to enjoy the ride to Teror in peace, then I can certainly recommend to take the public transportation. The bus of the Global company is happy to put you into the center of Teror with bus No. 216.
When you make a day trip to Teror, then inform you with further information on the Bureau of Tourism that is be located at the center in the C / Padre Cueto, 2 ( Casa Consistorial ) or on the website.
Teror de Gran Canaria
Terror is a small but very beautiful town on the holiday island of Gran Canaria. It is situated in the interior in the north of Gran Canaria. Agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism take care of for income. Steep slopes and deep valleys adorn the location of Teror. Terror has many architecture and is known by pilgrims all over the world. During the summer the temperature can rise high, on the other hand during the winter temperatures can plummet. It is as the oldest village certainly worthy of your visit.
History of Teror
[showad block=39]History tells us that the Virgin Mary would have appeared on a pine tree in the center of the municipality of Teror. Hence the name Nuestra Señora del Pino ( Our Lady of the Pine ). Partly because the inhabitants have built a chapel in honor of Mary, who was later replaced by a church. That church was unfortunately completely destroyed by a fire.
Obviously can such a beautiful town not live without a church. There was instead a neoclassical basilica built in 1767. The Virgin Mary statue from 1481, become each year during the month of September visited by thousands of pilgrims and tourists during the Fiesta de la Virgen del Pino. Meanwhile, the basilica has undergone several renovations so that this wonderful building can remain. The basilica has beautiful stained glass windows.
The inner city of Teror
Obviously become Teror not only popular among tourists and pilgrims for the Virgen del Pino, The Plaza del Teror is the square and the heart of the municipality. The first thing I notice are the authentic beautiful wooden balconies of the houses of Teror.
These balconies are characteristic of their architecture. From the square you have access to the Basilica and the tourist center. An ancient laurel tree gives that little extra to the square.
Strolling along a promenade (Alameda), who can not be found for them. I am confident that you will enjoy a stroll through the historic center of Teror. Thousands of curious tourists like you and I, annually visit this boulevard with the episcopal palace of 1793.
Shopping and gastronomy in the old Teror
Colorful houses with wooden or iron balconies guide you slowly along the numerous shops in the Calle Real de la Plaza. Teror you will visit not only for its history and authenticity, but also to enjoy. Hurry and stress leave your best here at home.
To enjoy for all that beauty to of the authentic Canarian atmosphere, you can sit on the terrace of a local bar. For a refreshing drink supplemented with tasty tapas you enjoy once so hard from this tranquil setting.
Gastronomy and hospitality are strengths of Teror. Every week there is a public market on Sunday. Fresh fruits and vegetables from the Canary domestic ( local products ), cakes and pastries, clothing and art items, you’ll find it all at the cozy traditional market. The market takes place from 08:00 am to 15:00 in the afternoon.
Taste the traditional Canarian and local cuisine you should definitely doing in Teror. Specialties such as a stew with chickpeas (ropa vieja), or delicious marinated meats are high on the menu. Some specialties of Teror itself are chorizo and morcilla dulce . These are blood sausages and garlic sausages, very tasty also with bread. Maybe you can also taste a sweet specialty made by the nuns of the Cistercian Order, “Las Monjas del Cister”. As a wine lover and local produce, I can recommend you to step into the wine shop Manjares Islenos.
The art industry in Teror is like this from Arucas very known. Wicker baskets, carvings and more crafts you can find and buy in local studios and shops in the old town.
Religious sights of Teror
Another known square in Teror is the Plaza Teresa de Bolivar, which gives a picture of a freedom fighter, a unique character.
Perhaps also worth visiting is the Monastery of the Cistercian Order ( Monasterio del Cister ) .
If you are a fan of religious buildings than Teror has known outside the basilica to offer much more for you.
Some examples are the Church Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, the Chapel de la Peña, the Chapel of San Isidro and the Dominican Monastery at the foot of the Pico de Osorio.
Festivals and pilgrimages in Teror
Just like in other cities, towns and villages of Gran Canaria, also has Teror his celebrations. Nuestra Señora del Pino is the most important festival of Teror. Make a note in your diary for September 8 for this feast. The festival will massively visited by many tourists and residents of the island. Day and night the festivities going on.
Is it a very hot day in Gran Canaria, then plan a trip on the last Sunday of July. During the party Fiesta del Agua get thrown massively with water. Completely dry you will not stay. A demand for sufficient rain, food and gespaar remain illnesses is why the party was formed. A procession and cattle market gives an extra atmosphere.
Crafts, handicrafts, a cattle market and old traditions are central to the Feast of San José. Place of appointment is the first Sunday of May.
Spring water in the heart of Teror
Here the story ends still not, if you come to visit to Teror you can best provide a whole day. Have you heard of the “Bitter Source“. I think not, but that’s the name of the Fuente Agria.
It is a very special place in Teror because this natural source outside the tourism creates significant revenue for the municipality. The Fuente Agria has three other sources, the Principal, the Agua Agria and the Molino source.
Public park Doramas and Finca de Osorio
Allow me to take you on a tour through breathtaking nature around Teror. One of the major parks and forest areas of Teror is the Parque Rural de Doramas. We should not walk very far because the park is situated just 2 km from the historic center of Teror.
With an area of 207 hectares it is wonderful to walk through valleys, along precipices and agriculture. You will go learn ancient laurel forests and chestnut trees abound.
Trees and plants such as oak and cork from Europe and South America make the park a beautiful whole. The Finca de Osorio is built in traditional Canarian style with the famous wooden balconies, and here and there a touch of English colonial style. If you are a romantic soul, then the associated garden is definitely worth your visit to the secluded romantic corners and fountains.
Some farmers still live with their family in the park, so you will be able to see the typical Canarian black pig. In the Finca are still educational classes today given for conservation. Accommodation available for groups by appointment.
The domain is opened from Monday to Sunday. There are guided tours by appointment by phone +34 928 630 090. The hours are from 9:00 to 17:00.
How do I reach Teror?
The center of Teror is partly pedestrianized, and therefore has not much parking. At the edge of the center is located a parking garage from where you are at walking distance from the center.
By car you can reach Teror on various ways. I think one of the most beautiful along is the GC-21, Carretera de Teror. From Las Palmas is than about 45 minutes drive along a very nice setting. Other recommended routes are towards Arucas, the GC-43 which runs partly along the coast. You will find the interior better, then go through the GC-2 via San Mateo.
Want to enjoy the ride to Teror in peace, then I can certainly recommend to take the public transportation. The bus of the Global company is happy to put you into the center of Teror with bus No. 216.
When you make a day trip to Teror, then inform you with further information on the Bureau of Tourism that is be located at the center in the C / Padre Cueto, 2 ( Casa Consistorial ) or on the website.